Monday, January 12, 2009

first time snowboarding! <3

julio and i got to go on an all day date! thanks days for watching the girlios!!! we had sooo much fun learning how to snowboard together. i apologize for lack of 'action' photos - we mostly took video of each other so i will try and post some today. we went up to lost trail which is about 100 miles south west of missoula... on the montana-idaho border.... and it is BEAUTIFUL there! just look at the main run (15 minute ride up on the chair lift!) and the trees.... lovely!

it was a great day... even though it felt as though my lungs were on fire, my heart was going to beat outta my ears, my knees felt twisted & my hands were frozen! great huh? but really... loved it! will def go back... we still have 2 lesson sessions!


calvin & hobbs said...

oooohh such FUN!!! i can't wait till we get to go with you, lol...someday!

Sarah Von Bargen said...

How cute are you guys?! It'll get easier the next time around, right?